About Us

The name of our Boxer Kennel was chosen for a reason, it became from my Arabian roots.

Tripolitaniya is a historical region and former province of Libia, The North Africa.

It is located along the seacoast from the Small Sirte Bay to the Great Sirte Bay no more than 400km inland, because of the Romans, who made the province their. 

As a result of the victory of Italy in the Italian-Turkish war (1911-1912) of Tripolitaniya under the rule of Italy,

their colony was created, Italian North Africa.

Nowadays the location of Tripolitaniya is to the north-west of the territory of the modern state of Libya.

It the place where my Mom grew up! 

The reason of the kennel foundation became from the female of the Deutscher Boxer, who was brought from Italy, Recanati - Alexandra del colle Dell'Infinito. The breeder was Alessandro Tanoni.

And this is how my Arab roots and roots of our Italian boxer mixed together and the kennel appeared -

Tripolitaniya Box! 🌳